Trickle-Down Taxation

Reaganism dictates that taxes are the enemy: any tax, anywhere, anyhow. In 2010, while most other states were going disturbingly red and setting themselves up for disaster, Minnesota did something curious: they elected a DFL governor specifically on the policy of raising taxes. Curiously, this did NOT lead to a statewide collapse, as the followers of Reaganism claimed for decades, but instead lead to Minnesota being a shining beacon of progress and prosperity in the middle of other Midwestern Republican-led states falling into ruin.
And yet, the Big Lie of Evil Taxes goes on. Cutting taxes, the Republicans claim, will allow those at the top to have more money to invest, and in investing there will be more supply, which will lead to more business, which will lead to more jobs, which will lead to more money. This, in essence, is the "Trickle Down" theory of economics.
Now, anyone with five minutes of economic study can tell you that increasing the supply while most people don't have enough money to demand or even afford new products is ridiculous, stupid, and backwards, but let's not assume the Republicans have any actual experience with how economics works in reality. Indeed, if Paul Ryan and his magic asterisks are the best they have, it seems rude to kick them when they're down.
So, we know Trickle Down Economics doesn't work because... well, reality exists, I suppose. But something does end up trickling down when those at the Federal and State level drool over the idea of cutting taxes here, there, everywhere, in a box, with a fox, and so on like some sort of demented Dr. Seuss character. It's not the prosperity that trickles down, however... it's the taxes.
We live in a social society. Certain social services and items are provided for us through public works, mainly because they are too big or too complex to make money for a private firm. We have public schools, public roads, public parks, and so on... and all of them are paid by taxes. So, when DC and St. Paul decide to cut taxes to save their own political skin, the towns and counties and townships have to pick up the slack. Suddenly, your local school tax goes up. The price to fix your roads or your bridges goes up. The price of having clean water goes up and, as we've seen in Flint, Michigan, it leads to shortcuts that damage lives. All the while, the rich and powerful sit in their cushy estates or in one of their many, many houses and count the cash they saved in tax breaks, while you and your neighbors struggle to get by with even half of what you had ten years ago.
The answer is simple: when someone like Greg Davids or Jeremy Miller bloviates about cutting taxes, saying it will be good for all, ask them if they're going to cut your local taxes, too, or if instead the benefits of tax cuts are only for the wealthiest Minnesotans. Governor Dayton and the DFL have proven that if you tax the rich, we all do better, so this November you need to bring the DFL back to a position where they can make sure we all do better, even if it means one less townhouse for a billionaire.
"And still Doremus goes on in the red sunrise, for a Doremus Jessup can never die."

Jon Pieper on Senator Miller Snub of Winona State

Sen. Miller was the deciding vote against a bill that would have invested over $25
million in a need for Winona State University, its students, and the City of Winona. The
bill was defeated by only one vote.

Once again, Republican Sen. Jeremy Miller has turned his back on the students in his
community and the people of Winona. Today, he joined every Republican Senator but
one in voting against the Senate bonding bill, a bill which would create 39,000 jobs
across the state and invest over $25 million in Winona State University’s Education

This is a shocking decision by our state senator and shows that he’d rather play
politics than lead.

The Education Village project is essential to Winona and WSU. Approximately 20% of
the student body is education majors who are committed to being the next generation of
teachers and educators that our state needs. They deserve a state of the art educational
experience and deserve support from their elected leadership.

 As minority lead on the Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee,
Jeremy Miller has once again proven that he’d rather follow his party than the people that
elected him.

I am incredibly disappointed in Sen. Miller’s actions today and believe we need new
leadership for our community in St. Paul. I’ve been disappointed by the number of votes
and days Sen. Miller has missed in the past four years, which means our district has not
had a voice when decisions are being made. As your state senator, I would be a
tireless advocate for our students, our communities, and other priorities facing
Southeastern Minnesota.

 We can and must do better than Sen. Jeremy Miller.