Extant, adj: still in existence; surviving

Forget Generation X or Y, we as Americans are facing a Generation Extant: a generation left over to survive on the cast-offs of the new breed of Robber Barons in America's New Gilded Age. The deregulation and destruction of our American democracy through the continued policies of Reaganism has found us ruled by a wealthy Oligarchy instead of a representative republic. Those of us now struggling to get by in this system that glorifies greed and values profits above the very cost of human life have become the new underclass, whether we like it or not. Those who are making it work any way they can, all while knowing your parents, or your grandparents, or even your brothers and sisters had an easier crack at it, you are your own generation, extant from the mind-boggling wealth and power now enjoyed by a morally bankrupt few, a level we here at the bottom could not even begin to fathom if we tried. As of this writing, the 400 richest Americans are worth as much as the bottom 50% of the country. 158 families in this country of over 300 million people have already spent 176 million dollars toward the 2016 campaign. When you're down here with the rest of us, a number like $176 million seems cartoonish; even if you try to imagine it, you find you can't even find uses for all of it. This doesn't even scratch the surface of the wealth known by Reagan's American Oligarchs, and the rest of us are only serfs on the plantation.

To the rich that run the system, there are only two groups, two races, two classes and two generations: us and everyone else. There is no difference in race, or creed, or gender, or orientation: to the rich, we are all the same. By that token, if we were to come together, without race, without creed, but merely as those who want a more perfect union untouched by greed, we can and we should enact policies to tax the rich.

When I say we should tax the rich, I'm not talking about anyone you know, or anyone I know. In Fillmore County alone, the number of people in the top tax bracket can be counted on one hand. Fillmore County isn't even a drop in the bucket, wealthwise, and taxing those at the top would do nothing to hurt the situation for the thousands of people who call Fillmore County home. As I have argued before, raising taxes on the wealthiest at the state or federal level is not theft, but merely a return on investment: we invested in the rich by giving them billions in tax cuts, and they squandered or squatted on the money we trusted to them. Now, we want our money back: our schools need improvement, our roads need fixing, but aside from all of that, it's our money, and we want it back. There are a lot more of us than there are of the richest Americans, and all of us banding together, one way or another, can change the course against those who have run off with our money.

First, we can elect people who will pledge to bring the money back to the area any way they know how, and to elect people who will not fear being smeared and attacked by moneyed interests. If that doesn't work, if we continue to be made extant and things continue to deteriorate, then there will soon be no good choice left for those of us in the other half of the country. And it will be only too late for the oligarchs and the crooked bankers, who won't see it coming until the first brick comes through their window. I don't want to see that happen, but they have locked us out of Eden, and we have committed no sin. It is now time to return to a land of plenty and to cast out the worse angels of our nature from their stranglehold on our government.

At Your Service,

Doremus Jessup